Holy Week Debrief – A Rant and a Rave
Holy Week, one of the busiest and most emotionally draining times of the church year has just completed and we have entered into the Easter season. Before it gets too far out of our thoughts, I would like to offer a critique of how this week was offered online. If you have been reading any […]
Using Photos of Children
One of the most common questions that I am asked when I do workshops on website design and social media is “What about photos of children, what are the guidelines?” I will talk about needing permissions, how to (or not) identify them and then go on to the broader topic of photos of people in […]
Web Trends for the New Year
One of the great things about what I do is trying to stay current on technologies and trends and then passing them on to others. This link came across the Episcopal Communicators Facebook page and I think it is quite timely. We are looking to redo the ecww.org site next year and these tips fall […]
How To Ensure People See Your Website Material
I have been following Dave at a blogsite entitled Internet Toolbox for Churches. He has some really great tips and resources for websites and social media. The following is from his latest newsletter and it really resonated with me so I am passing it on. Enjoy!
What Is Your 15 Second Elevator Speech?
I have found that since I started my position here at the Diocese of Olympia, my focus has changed on talking about church websites. Initially it was all about tools, how to do it, how to maintain the site, etc., real nuts and bolts stuff. When I talk with church groups who are working on […]
The Episcopal Church Welcomes You (21st Century Edition)
We have seen the signs for years, “The Episcopal Church Welcomes You”. While this is nice to have in front of your church or down the street with an arrow pointing the way, is this the only way that people will know about your church? Are you counting on people finding you in the Yellow […]
What Makes a Good Website?
A few weeks ago I received a link to a site called “40 Great Church Websites of 2013“. Obviously I was intrigued. When I went to this site, it was interesting that there was no explanation or criteria as to what made these great sites, it was just merely a series of images and links […]
Trying to Stop Hackers
It has been a while since I have posted. I have been extremely busy doing other job related tasks, one of which is protecting our church websites that have been compromised. Some hackers have a political/social agenda, some just hack for the self satisfaction of knowing they can. Unfortunately the collateral damage done by these […]
Website Design Done Right
A few weeks ago I was at the Non-Profit Technology Network‘s annual conference in San Francisco. It was a terrific conference in one of my favorite cities. It was a really great experience to see how non-profits were using technology to further their mission. There were way too many workshop offerings for only three days […]
Search Engine Optimization, Parts 2-4
Richelle Thompson over at Episcopal Church Foundation Vital Practices has been very busy the last week talking about SEO. Here are parts 2, parts 3 and parts 4.